Making a difference: Our Earth Day volunteer experience at Miller's Pond Nature Reserve


For Earth Day this year, our BSG teams rolled up their sleeves and dove into volunteer work right in their local communities. I personally decided to pitch in right here in Southampton, lending a hand to clear up Miller’s Pond Nature Reserve in Sholing - an expansive and diverse Local Nature Reserve.

Teaming up with the Sholing Valleys Study Centre, a fantastic charity devoted to preserving Miller's Pond and its surroundings, we tackled essential tasks like litter clean-up and removing invasive species, including those pesky blackberry bushes. As delicious as they are, these bushes can quickly take over, forming dense thickets that crowd out native plants and block pathways for animals and people alike. With the help of five other dedicated volunteers, we took on the challenge of uprooting these stubborn plants, grappling with tangles of stems and prickly thorns along the way.

After spending a few hours working together, we managed to clear a significant area of Miller's Pond. It was incredibly rewarding to see the impact we made in such a short time. Despite the task seeming daunting at first, it turned out to be quite enjoyable, especially with the amity from fellow volunteers from the community.

The Sholing Valleys Study Centre brings together volunteers like us every other month, highlighting the power of community action in protecting and improving our local surroundings. If you're keen to join in similar projects, check out local charity websites or social media event pages. It's a fantastic way to get involved in eco-friendly activities that truly make a difference in our community.

I can't wait to dive into more conservation projects and keep growing our efforts to protect the environment and stay connected with our community.

Article by Mia Wright, Marketing Team @ BSG



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