Hybrid mail is a fast, efficient and cost-effective mailing solution that can generate significant savings and improve efficiencies in your business
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Reduce Did Not Attends
Hybrid mail brochure
An in-depth look into how hybrid mail works and the savings that can be realised.
Case study
We have successfully delivered a 64% saving to North East London NHS Foundation Trust who have recently implemented a hybrid mail solution.
What is hybrid mail and how does it work?
Hybrid mail is a fast, efficient and cost-saving mailing solution.
It enables you to easily send important customer correspondence such as invoices and appointments directly from your computer. All this can be done remotely, without the need to physically print or post. What’s more, you can save up to 64% on the cost of traditional business mail.
Cost savings of up to 64%
Hybrid mail delivers incredible savings by greatly reducing the amount of money spent on items like envelopes, paper, stamps and franking machines.
In a recent case study we go into depth on how we delivered a massive 64% saving to North East London NHS Foundation Trust through the implementation of our hybrid mail solution.
80% DNA reduction
DNAs (Did Not Attend) are reported to cost the NHS over £200 billion a year, so it is an important challenge for trusts to keep this rate as low as possible.
The average DNA rate was recorded as 8.8% with each missed appointment costing the NHS an average of £154. NHS organisations that have migrated to hybrid mail have seen an 80% reduction of DNA rate to 1.76%. Read on to see how simply reducing your DNAs can make you an annual saving of over £1,000,000!
Patient record integration
Our solution offers a central system capturing correspondence from all clinical systems and delivering documents in your preferred format, working off patient Hospital Number common across all the Trusts clinical systems. The system fully integrates with:
- Cerner
- Allscripts
- Docman
- Connect
- eNotes
- SystemOne
- Patients Know Best
Go digital, be sustainable
Help take your organisation to carbon zero with our digital mail solution.
A typical NHS Trust will use the equivalent of 250 trees-worth of paper every year, so the benefits to the environment of switching to digital are obvious. Digital mail links the patient record directly to our hybrid mail server and sends a digital message as an alternative to a physical letter.