Our Managed Print Service proves a winner for two NHS Trusts working in partnership



We’ve been providing Managed Print Services (MPS) for the NHS for more years than we care to remember and are thrilled to have recently secured a new five year MPS contract for two NHS Trusts. 

Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust are working collaboratively as the North London Mental Health Partnership and for the purposes of this contract, are operating as a partnership. Working closely with the procurement team and the two Trust’s project managers, we proved that our award winning MPS service could really make a difference in terms of sustainability, cost, security and support.

With their incumbent MPS providers coming up for renewal, the Trusts went to market to secure the most cost effective and viable service and solution provider for their combined managed print requirement. Having worked with Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental NHS Trust providing hybrid mail and furniture solutions for several years, we were delighted to be given the opportunity to tender for the contract.  

Supporting sustainability goals

Sustainability and cost reduction were key requirements as part of the tender specification and were two important boxes that we could easily tick. Our managed print service is specifically designed to reduce impact on the environment and improve an organisation’s bottom line by keeping devices in use longer and our digitally informed supply chain operations save on supplies and reduce waste. We also estimate that by providing more energy efficient devices we will save the Trusts over £210,000 in energy savings over the next five years. 

Reducing costs and overheads

Our pay-as-you-go rental service also held great appeal as it significantly reduces printing costs and overheads. We have produced audited savings of £140,000 over 5 years including significant energy savings totalling £350,000 over the life of the contract. That’s because it uses pre-loved machines that have only printed a minimum volume and provides far greater flexibility by giving the Trusts the opportunity to switch plans and devices if they find they are printing more or less. We will also replace any damaged machines free of charge and as part of our support package, will send an engineer out to move any machines that need relocating and hot swap any machines that are broken and can’t be fixed on site, ensuring they are never without a working machine.

What they’ve said…

Dealing with Tony and his team at BSG has been a very refreshing experience. Their ability to provide such a comprehensive range of wrap-around services means we are confident that our print requirements are in a single safe pair of hands. We feel very comfortable that they are invested in helping us to reduce our costs - whether that’s by increasing the use of hybrid mail or providing a flexible service with no cost penalties if and when our printing requirements change. From contract negotiations to deployment and business as usual, the whole experience has been a pleasure.”

Anita Patel, Digital Project Manager, Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental NHS Trust


Saving time and money is of course extremely important to our National Health Service and we have been able to give the Trusts and their staff confidence that their machines will never run out of toner, with our in-time toner delivery service. Each machine is digitally monitored and we despatch toner for delivery when we are automatically notified that there is 10% remaining. This saves on the overheads associated with storing toner and removes any need for staff to monitor and order their own supplies. 

Increasing security

Security is of course of major importance to the NHS and we were able to provide the Trusts with confidence that confidential documents would not be left sitting exposed on printers through our mobile printing service. 

We are also providing proactive security and firmware updates through our managed print software, a service that monitors for vulnerabilities and updates devices as appropriate, ensuring they are secure at all times. 

What they’ve said…

Combining our print requirements across the two Trust’s meant that this was extremely complex, but BSG were incredibly patient and flexible in their approach, not only in our negotiations, which they happily supported us on, but when it came to incrementally deploying the devices over two different networks and infrastructures. They have proven themselves to be unwaveringly professional, extremely transparent and incredibly efficient. As we transition over to business as usual we are absolutely confident in their service and support and can’t thank them enough for what has been a very positive experience.

Jamie Taylor, Compliance and Business Support Manager, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our MPS solutions, please contact us.

Tony Perkins is our Head of Professional Services and has over 25 years experience tailoring managed print services to businesses of all sizes. Don’t hesitate to contact Tony today if you need any advice or wish to discuss further.

E: tperkins@tbsg.co.uk
T: 0333 456 1502



More reading…

Live, Managed printGary Stevens